Medical for Victims of Traumatic Brain Injuries

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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) have become a widely publicized topic within the last couple of years as more and more information is revealed about their long term effects. TBIs in football players have been linked to high levels of depression, suicide, and violent behavior.

But it’s not just football players, who take numerous hits to the head, that are victims of TBI. Across the nation, an estimated 1.7 million people sustain TBIs annually. Of that number: 52,000 die, 275,000 are hospitalized, and 1.365 million are treated and released from emergency rooms.

Traumatic brain injury is brain dysfunction caused by an external force, such as a violent blow or jolt to the head or body during an accident, or an object penetrating the skull.

There are various levels of traumatic brain injuries, but all of them should be taken seriously, as even TBIs termed “mild” can have serious consequences.

Mild traumatic brain injury, such as a slight or mild concussion can cause temporary dysfunction of brain cells. More serious traumatic brain injury can result in bruising, torn tissues, bleeding, and other physical damage to the brain. This can result in long-term complications and even death.

The effects of a TBI are not just limited to physical, but also psychological effects. And though some signs or symptoms appear immediately, some only appear days or weeks later. In cases like this, because the incident has occurred so long ago, you might not even realize that you are dealing with a symptom of a TBI.

The Cost of TBI

It’s estimated that direct medical costs and indirect costs of TBI, such as lost productivity, totalled an estimated $60 billion in the United States in 2013.

This is why Cheyne Johnston’s family have launched a foundation that is aimed at helping families dealing with TBI. The foundation hopes to offer help to those dealing with the uncharted waters of TBI caregiving and recovery.

Jackson Browne

The Johnston’s have recruited a family friend to help spread the word about the foundation.

Cheyne C. Johnston Foundation for Traumatic Brain Injury Recovery & Education

Different Resource for Sufferers of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Cheyne Johnston

Karen Macbeth


Hidden Population

Positive Reinforcement

  <p id="h2288250-p3" class="permalinkable">
    Though Macbeth is stoic when speaking about the trials her family has been through over the last year, when she speaks about Browne's help, tears flow freely from her eyes.

  <p id="h2288250-p4" class="permalinkable">
    “Someone as famous as that could easily have said they’re too busy or their schedule doesn’t permit,” she said. “But when he heard about Cheyne, he said he would do anything to help us. We’re so deeply grateful.”

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    Working with a Personal Injury Attorney

The attorneys at Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC have experience handling personal injury cases such as accidents that result in traumatic brain injuries. They will help build a case to ensure you receive everything you need to recover for your or your family memeber’s specific accident.

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