Product Liability and Wrongful Death

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Wrongful death due to defective or unsafe products

Unexpectedly losing a loved one is a source of emotional suffering and, in many cases, financial hardship for those left behind. It is especially difficult to accept that your family member has paid the ultimate price for using a widely distributed product that one would assume is safe and then became a victim of wrongful death.

Defective or unsafe products are the basis for product liability lawsuits, especially if they result in wrongful death. When a product is developed and marketed for human consumption, consumers naturally assume the product is safe.

The family of a New York man who died of a heart attack during a basketball game soon after he consumed a can of Red Bull filed an $85 million wrongful death lawsuit against the beverage maker. Reportedly, it is believed to be the first ever wrongful death suit against Red Bull. The lawsuit brings added attention to energy drinks that some authorities believe contain excess amounts of caffeine, taurine, and other stimulants — some of which aren’t strictly regulated. News media, lawmakers, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are increasingly scrutinizing the potential public health harms of energy products.

The 33-year-old construction worker was a regular consumer of Red Bull. He suffered cardiac arrest after he drank a can during a basketball game in 2011. Medics, who attended to the man, later noted his consumption of Red Bull in their report. The man’s relatives say that this report suggests drinking Red Bull was associated with his untimely death.

Wrongful death statues provide financial support for families of victims of defective and unsafe products

Wrongful death statutes were created to provide financial support for families of victims and to motivate responsible manufacture and distribution of goods sold to the public. Surviving family members who feel their loved one’s death was caused by the negligent actions of companies or individuals should have their rights protected.

If you have lost a loved one through product liability, the best protection of your rights is best assured through wise and prudent legal counsel.

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