What to Do After A Bus Accident

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While buses are a fairly safe mode of transportation, dozens of people are still injured in bus accidents every year. There are claims that are specific to bus accidents, and you’ll need to know your rights if you are involved in this type of accident.

Bus Accident Injuries

Injuries sustained during a bus accident come in a wide range – from whiplash to serious trauma. There are also added risks that come with riding in a bus, such as a higher risk of rollover and the lack of seatbelts or safety restraints. Because of this, there is greater risk for higher levels of injury.

Unique Claims

When it comes to assigning fault in a bus accident, it can be difficult. This is because buses are often owned by a wide variety of entities – government, school districts, and public transportation bureaus. Filing these kinds of claims can be far more difficult than filing a typical insurance claim in a car accident.

Determining Liability

Often some form of initial investigation will be required to determine liability in the bus accident. Various things factor into this, including:

  • Fatigued bus driver
  • Untrained, or inadequately trained drivers
  • DUI
  • A bus that is improperly loaded or overloaded
  • Poorly maintained bus

What to Do

The first thing you should do if you are involved in a bus accident is to get medical attention. Injuries can often take time to appear as well, so you might not see or feel anything until weeks later. Also, keep a journal of any injuries sustained. Note how painful the injuries are. This journal should also include all hospital vists and any medical bills that pertain to the sustained injuries. All this will be used as evidence if you decide to pursue a claim. At that point, it is advised that you contact an attorney that can help you build your case.

If you’ve been injured in a bus accident, you need the expert advice of bus accident attorneys such as those at Personal Injury Attorneys PLLC.

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